Thursday, November 09, 2006

DRUNK Americans New MASSACRE In Heet

An American occupation patrol forced in a house in Heet, about 210km west of Baghdad and killed seven members of the family in side the house yesterday. Early morning today Nov 8), another American patrol came to the same house apologizing from the mother because the soldiers of the yesterday patrol were drunk!! As simple as this.. one of the wounded in the hospital said that the Americans were angry and they killed the seven men by shooting stabbing and they went leaving the wounded bleeding.. today, the town which is seized by the Americans for the last two months; there is only one entrance to the town caught by the Americans too. For the last two months, the Americans searched the town many times; they know who is coming or leaving.. it was bombed heavily months ago then the Americans alleged that the Arab fighters (terrorists) left Ramadi to Heet..
Heet, one of the oldest Iraqi inhabitant towns; from there the Sumerians brought the tar to use it as a conjugation while building the ziqurates, palaces and houses. It was before the occupation one of the most beautiful and peaceful towns on the Euphrates where the huge water wheels were watering the fields.. The Baghdadis used to spend their weekends there; when living was possible in Iraq..
Seven Iraqis were killed by drunk Americans.. For almost 3000 Americans were killed on 9-11; Americans killed till now tens of thousands of Afghanis; 650 000 Iraqis and destroyed Iraq totally.. I asked and will continue asking: why the American’s life is more expensive than us? While we are the builder of the civilization; the Americans are the grandchildren of the gangsters and criminals who eliminated tens of thousands of the native Americans?.. Bush him self is not only a criminal; he is the real leader of the international mafia..
If a “drunk ‘ MOSLEM will kill an American; could you imagine the Bush war against terrorism where would be? Yey, according to this silly pretext; it seems that Bush is always DRUNK..
Damn Bush.. do you think those drunk criminals would be trailed and sent to death? Or they were defending them selves!!!!


Blogger govols said...

Do you really believe this?? Where did these guys get the liquor to get drunk?? Do you really believe American soldiers are running around looking for people to shoot?? You might want to look some of this stuff up.At least look up the conditions in that region of the country. See if it makes sense that soldiers could be drunk, out and about in a hummv, with no adult supervision... Liquor is not available over there, and the name of the town this "happened" in is not even spelled right...

8:59 AM  
Blogger the woman i was said...

Dear Fatima,
They were ordinary young men not what the American media called “insurgents”. By the way, we in Iraq can differentiae easily between the terrorists and hero resistance fighters; so there is insurgency but a just battle toward liberating Iraq.. of course this massacre will be ignored like tens others happened and would happen.. it is our duty to out in front of the eyes and conscious. Best.

10:33 AM  
Blogger the woman i was said...

Without knowing the truth do not comment.. had you ever heard about Abeer Al-Janabi, the 15 years from Mahmoudiya- about 20km south of Baghdad, who was raped then killed with her family and 7 years old sister; the defence lawyer while trying to save the four criminal American soldiers said “they were drunk”? had you ever red the bloody Bremer’s book “My Year In Iraq” in which he is speaking about American soldiers he met in Tikreet and asked if he had cold beer? Without reading and knowing the truth do not comment. It seems you are another naïve American or another American like Bush the second who is lying and lying until believes him self.. Lie as mush as you want and stay naïve otherwise the truth will make you mad.. I do not think the spelling is wrong; it is an Arabic name, sometimes written “Hit” or “Heet”. To have a spilling fault is better than having a moral fault.
No regards.

11:00 AM  
Blogger kathyL said...

dear fatima
how does a single woman with children survive in irag? It must be very hard even before the occupation. I was a single mother in america and it was allmost impossible here to make ends meet. I pray this war ends soon and I pray your people are left alone to live your lives in peace. I am sorry for what the rulers of my country have done. I didn't vote for them nor did the majority. They cheated and now after our midterm elections we hope to get rid of them and out of iraq. please know many americans if not most of us want to leave your country and we'll keep working for that. sincerely a mother in america.

11:33 AM  
Blogger the woman i was said...

dear kathyl,
thanks for you comment.. my name is not "fatima". fatime is a dear friend of this blog..
i became a single mother while i was 24 years old and my son was 4 months old; it was the war between iran and iraq.. and since then i know what does "a sigle mother" means in iraq and else where.. the different betweem you and me is the family relations are so holy in iraq; so my mother and late fathere, sisters and brothers helped a lot to have a handsome young man who had just finished his university and preparing to do his ma inshalalh.while in the states every one loves him self and hardly could love the other.
in iraq now the most hard thing for a woman is being a mother! no mother knows whethere her children who went to school at the morning woud be back home!!
you should do your best to save your selves from the so called white house; who ever will be the master of that house will behave like bush the second.

9:49 PM  
Blogger the woman i was said...

dear tahani (annie),
i am happy for the arabic words you used, w yi'tiki 'aafiya lelik ya rab. shukran for reading and understanding; may you tell the peole there these stories? we will be thankful.
the word "heet" in arabiv written: ha+ya+ta.. one of my profs in the university invented using numbers for the arabic letters have no sutible sounds in english; so 7 stands for ha, the word will be "7it".
ma3a (3+ayn) almawda

2:14 AM  
Blogger the woman i was said...

dear japanis friend,
i have nothing to say but thank you.. might those who are insisting to not read, hear and see.. again amny thanks my friend. sorry for could not read your name.

2:19 AM  
Blogger govols01 said...

I do know what I speak of, I just think we see things thru different eyes. The GI's that killed that family in Mahmoudiya were up near Baghdad, liquor is not hard to obtain there. So I can see how those guys were drunk. I haven't read the book "My Year in Iraq" but it sounds like you're saying that the GI's asked the author for a cold beer?? Maybe because they couldn't get thier own up there?? Most soldiers over there in the area of Hit would have no way to get thier hands on any liquor. I don't believe all soldiers are saints, Lord knows we have some bad ones. However, not all are bad either. The majority go over there with the intention of helping the iraqi people. I'm not a lying american and I'm certainly not naive. I spent 15 months in country living with and training the iraqi army. Most of the time I didn't live on an american base, I lived in a city with the iraqi army. They taught me(or tried to teach me:)thier language, shared their food, thier culture, etc...I grew to love and respect them and thier culture. I made many friends over there and they remember me as a friend...Not all soldiers are murdering savages just as not all iraqis' are beheading insurgents..

6:04 AM  
Blogger Americaniniraq said...

I am currently in Hit, Iraq and can assure you that none of us have access to alcohol while stationed here. I know that a lot of killing does occur here, but the killing is not only between Iraqis and Americans, but between Iraqis as well. I hope that we can end the violence. That is why it is imperative for the Iraqi army and police to take over operations. Once that occurs, we can leave your country, and your citizens can live by the law of the land.

1:18 PM  
Blogger the woman i was said...

dear fatima,
bush missed up every thing here; he will continue as long as he could.. thanks to almighty alalh you are not iraqi, otherwise if you were and speaking about iraq before sanctions in this way they would accused you being a saddamist and kill you..
it si not the first time the ministry of interior kidnapped people; then release the shiites and kill the sunnis.
beleive me i do not know how to speak about the situation in iraq.. never we felf, before the occupation, being sunnis or shiites, we were all moslems. i mysef, as a moslem, finished 9 yaers in saint joseph school; till now i celebrated the easter yet in that school i was taught holy quran and how to pray as a moslem.. this was iraq..
those who are working on asecterian war are being paid by iran, us and israel.. each has his own agenda in iraq.
i wish if you know arabic,yet i will put the following statement issued by badr to know the truth; may be later on i will transalte it.
the statement was on:

وثيقة صادرة من منظمة بدر ، اليكم نصها كما وردتنا

بسمه تعالى

سري للغاية

الأمانة العامة لمنظمة بدر

إلى / كافة المكاتب والفروع

الدائرة السياسية

العدد/ 2371

الموضوع/ تعليمات

العراق / التاريخ 11 /7 / 2006

تشهد المرحلة الراهنة انعطافا حادا وخطيرا فى العملية السياسية على جميع الصعيد المحلى، والاقليمى والعالمي, فبعد الانتصارات الساحقة التي تحققت فى الجانب السياسي والعسكري والاجتماعي والاقتصادي والثقافي بفضل جهود قيادتنا السياسية ومراجعنا الدينية وكفاح شعبنا من شيعة الإمام علي (عليه السلام) والدعم اللا محدود لإخواننا فى الجمهورية الإسلامية فى إيران, ونتيجة لخيبة أمل أبناء العامة، وعزلتهم السياسية، والاجتماعية، وفشلهم الذريع فى تحقيق اى مكسب عن طريق مشاركتهم الهزيلة فى العملية السياسية فقد سعت قياداتهم السياسية والعسكرية من خلال أحزابهم ومنظماتهم فى محاولة يائسة لفك الحصار عنهم الى التخطيط لاقامة تحالفات ومعاهدات مع حكومات النواصب والوهابية الكفرة فى دول الجوار وأهمها (السعودية ومصر والأردن والإمارات واليمن) لتغيير معالم الخارطة السياسية فى العراق والمنطقة بالتنسيق مع قوات الاحتلال الانكلو الامريكى وقد تمكن اعداء اهل البيت من الاتفاق على مسودة مشروع قرار خطير يهدد وجودنا وكياننا ومستقبلنا ليس فى العراق وحسب وإنما فى منطقة الشرق الأوسط بصورة عامة وبالتالى القضاء على مخططاتنا وأهدافنا المصيرية وعلى ضوء هذه الحقائق وتداعيات المواقف المحتملة نسبت قيادتنا الحكيمة ما يلى:

1- ضرورة ضبط النفس والتحلي بالصبر والهدوء التام فى مواجهة التصعيد العسكري والسياسي لقوات الاحتلال الانكلو الامريكى وعدم الرد عليهم لتفويت الفرصة على أعدائنا من نقل المعركة من مناطقهم الى مناطقنا واستنزاف طاقاتنا

2- التكاتف وتوحيد الجهود والتعاون والتنسيق التام بين الأحزاب والتنظيمات السياسية والمسلحة فى مجابهة أي تهديد محتمل

3- اليقظة والحذر الشديد ومراقبة تحركات ومخططات الأعداء فى كافة المجالات.

4- الاستمرار بسياسة التصفية والإبعاد لأبناء العامة في الدوائر والمؤسسات والأسواق التجارية وتضييق الخناق عليهم لإجبارهم على الهجرة وترك البلد.

5- التأكيد على ضرورة مراقبة ومتابعة تحركات ونشاطات الوافدين العرب المقيمين والموظفين الدبلوماسيين والعاملين فى الشركات وخصوصا (السعودية والأردن وفلسطين ومصر والسودان) وتصفيتهم بشتى الوسائل والسبل

6- تحييد وتحجيم نشاطات الصحفيين والإعلاميين والمفكرين والباحثين من النواصب وتدمير مقراتهم وتصفية الرموز الناشطة منهم..

7- القضاء على اى محالة مهما كانت لإعادة الجيش السابق المنحل والدوائر الأمنية والبعثية باى شكل من الأشكال والتصدي لها بقوة وحزم

8- التثقيف المستمر لدعم لفكرة الفيدرالية والمباشرة الفعلية لتهيئة الوسائل اللازمة لتطبيقها بالقوة

9- تحشيد الطاقات والجهود والاستعداد العالى لاى مواجهة مسلحة مع الأعداء مع الأخذ بنظر الاعتبار تدخل قوات الاحتلال الانكلوامريكى وقد قامت حكومة الجمهورية الإسلامية فى إيران بتزويدنا بكافة الأسلحة والمعدات والتجهيزات اللازمة للمعركة المقبلة إضافة لتهيئة قوات من الحرس الثوري الايرانى للتدخل السريع قرب الحدود مناطق بدرة وجصان ومندلى وسلسلة حمرين ومندلى وكلار ..

10- فى حالة بدء المعركة على جميع أبناء شيعة على الإمام على (عليه السلام) وكذلك منتسبى وزارة الدفاع والداخلية الالتحاق بسرايا قوات بدر وجيش المهدي وتشكيلات حزب الدعوة واستصحاب وسرقة الأسلحة والذخائر والآليات والتجهيزات لرفد المعركة.

الأمين العام


نسخة منه الى

حزب الدعوة الإسلامية - تنظيم العراق

مكتب الشهيد السيد الصدر (قدس سره )

مديرية الوقف الشيعي

5:45 AM  
Blogger Chris Kulink said...

Even though this an old blog, my happening upon it is interesting, and since I happen to be a Marine recently gotten out that was in Heet (Hit) at that time, and I can only say that without a doubt there was no one drinking out there, and you have found yourself furthuring insurgent strategies by spreading this fallacy, we should all empathize with Iraqi civilian casualies, but we should read each story with a grain of salt and know that discrediting Soldiers with questionable evidence accomplishes the insurgents agenda.

on a note: govols comment about it not being spelled properly is right and wrong, Hit is the accepted English/Western translation, but Heet reflects the proper arabic pronounciation.

10:55 PM  
Blogger Chris Kulink said...

Even though this an old blog, my happening upon it is interesting, and since I happen to be a Marine recently gotten out that was in Heet (Hit) at that time, and I can only say that without a doubt there was no one drinking out there, and you have found yourself furthuring insurgent strategies by spreading this fallacy, we should all empathize with Iraqi civilian casualies, but we should read each story with a grain of salt and know that discrediting Soldiers with questionable evidence accomplishes the insurgents agenda.

on a note: govols comment about it not being spelled properly is right and wrong, Hit is the accepted English/Western translation, but Heet reflects the proper arabic pronounciation.

10:55 PM  
Blogger josh said...

I too was part of 3/4 the marines that helped in "hit" and the story is simply not true. Who ever wrote it obviously was not in that town, any reporter or soldier that entered it would have never said such thing, i personally have video of many firefights that went on in that town and evidence that who we were fighting were insurgents, i also had many of my friends injured in that town including one of my good friends shot in the face. So who ever is out there should remember that there are men fighting over there for there lives and they should think long and hard about who they are supporting.

3:51 AM  
Blogger gill said...

i just want to say i am a solider and was in heet iraq at the time that this is said to have happened and i can assure you there is absolutly no way to get any type of liquor in the city and also that i knew every solider in the city and that if any event such as was described happened it was not at the hands of any of the americans

10:40 PM  
Blogger mewmewmew said...

My father has just been visiting me and he was so upset about what is happening to Iraqi women. Going back more then half a century, he was so sad and so angry.

breast enlargement pills

8:24 AM  

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