Iraq Before and After "LIBERATION"!!

You can imagine the condition in Iraq through these photos. Iraq was the most developed and liberated country in the Middle East and among the Islam World although the Iraqis were devoted Moslems; yet they knew the real Islam not the Iranian imported Islam… I have no more comments.. Waiting yours..
The other day I was thinking we really need something like this to show the world how Iraqi women were before and now after the invasion; exactly as you did it! What you have done here is extremely needed; I know a lot of people who insists that Iraqi women were like the Saudi Arabian women, not even the right to drive your car.
My father has just been visiting me and he was so upset about what is happening to Iraqi women. Going back more then half a century, he was so sad and so angry.
I wish my scanner worked then I too could put photos on my blog from my school trips in Baghdad, to give the outside world an idea about Iraqi women before and after the “LIBERATION”.
An Iraqi Tear, I love your two first pictures.
dear nadia,
put your photos; among the iraqi women before was my mother and her friends.. the all should know taht iraqi women and the whole iraqis were more ecucated and develpped before the invasion.. yet always, there were among us those who are ready to give iraq to iran (kurds and shiites) of course not the whole kurds and shiites.. we should fight to restore our rights and country..
thanks to be a reader of my blog
We can all expect to receive this type of freedom in a world that has "Vatican-Sized Elite Military-Police-State Embassies" and an instigated rulership by means of "divide and conquer" over the masses using limited troops in a resource-rich region of impoverished peoples.
Here it is, the New World Order, unfolding before our very eyes in Iraq. This is their plan. A microcosm of the elitists vision for global governance using one government, one currency, 2 general classes of people (besides the super-elite who actually run the show) and a whole lot of fomenting strife between the different factions of religion, region, race, creed, etc... The US and British special ops have been caught repeatedly doing this by all types of press and journalists and insider whistle blowers. Not even a question about our strategy in Iraq anymore.
And amidst all of that, we will still always have with us the majority of people (both the dumbed-down lower and the dumbed-down upper class people) dislike and fear and ignor and even hate the messenger who brings these obvious truths to their ears.
The messenger is the enemy of the people while the real enemy that instigates war for profit on both sides of the fight, who drops DU bombs, who prints the money right out of our pockets, these are the guys that remain largely ignored. Great statement for human "intelligence" if I ever heard one. What else do we need to know about the reasons for getting in this situation in the first place? Here we are at peak oil and we need peak oil to survive in our existing system and yet we are still debating whether it is possible for a finite resource to run out. Whew! Very smart!
Thanks for the blog. I'll keep checking it out, as fresh opinions and first hand info are always quite interesting.
I even had a couple of female friends who felt that Iraqi women had been hugely uplifted by the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
Thanks for a resource to point them to.
Also, beware of the flame wars. There's no need to pissing contests here. The idea is to move forward, not dwell on the past and 1,000 years of squabbling. We must work to make the new world together (and every day brings us a new world).
It's sad that most religions taken to the fundamentalist level result in things like this. It's not just Islam. Look at christian fundamentalists. Their veils may be invisible but they're no less a prison.
But this post isn't about religious fundamentalism. Fundamentalism is obviously being used to control people. In all of history, the restriction of women's rights has accompanied revolutions, particularly when it's a matter of getting rid of dictators.
If you look at Roman History, Rome was ruled by Etruscans. The last Etruscan emperor was Tarquin. It's interesting that the story of the birth of the Roman Republic (and the accompanying revolution and overthrow of the Etruscan rulers) is legendarily precipitated by the rape of Lucrece.
Lucrece was held as an example of virtue, or chastity, of docility and submissiveness. She awaited her husband sewing a cloak for him in the dark.
(The ideal roman wife was a servant, and did not eat with her husband. In contrast to the Etruscan women, who awaited their husbands while drinking wine, cavorting with men, eating with their husbands and other men (horrors!), and basically being nearly equal in social standing.)
The story of her rape goes like this: an etruscan prince became jealous of her virtuousness as proclaimed by her husband, and decides to rape her. Lucrece, raped, calls for her husband and friend, Brutus, declares she's been raped, and kills herself in front of them with the words, "let no woman find an excuse to live after being raped" (that's my loose but good translation).
And so began the Republic. On the rape of a woman, and on the subsequent chastisement of all women. Roman women were the prototypes of the divide between the madonna and the whore to come later. We've never really recovered.
Just a little background on how women and their bodies are the property of revolutionaries and politicians in all countries and all religions.
Think about it.
Also, I might add that Lucrece's body was paraded around the city in order to anger and rouse the crowds into overthrowing the emperor.
Historically everyone has used the rape "of our women" as a tool in arousing the anger of a subjugated people. Similarly, the raptors use it to humiliate the people they subjugate.
And even more interesting is how Brutus, till that moment considered an idiot (brutus=idiot in latin), became eloquent, became "A MAN" as soon as he became angry about her rape and addressed and the mobs to the palace.
I know that Iraqi women were better off before Bushco "liberated" them, but that picture of the women in the burkas - that is really Iraqi students? What city? Even I am shocked. These pictures need to get all over the blogosphere.
Casper, when did you live in Iraq and were did you live?
If not Iraq which arab country did you live in?
Iraqi women were NOT wearing burkas year 2002.
Yes. This is intellectually dishonest, as 40 years is a lot of time.
Perhaps the title should be "Iraq before and after Saddam Hussein"
anon and little, it would be simular to the photos an Iraqi tear have given you.
The fact is that Iraqi women have lost a lot because of the US invation aganinst Iraq, it is worse now much worse.
Dear all,
Sorry for not being with you while commenting; it is not my fault or laziness; it is electricity.. In the last week, we have it 1 hour every 6 hours; the small generator we have at home was out of work; cutting the power means cutting the water too, in the one hour on we rush to finish the home work. Now I am writing after we managed to repair the small generator.
I put the photos back to 1964 as an example to show you the social conditions in Iraq before the occupation. I did not put Iraqi women photos in 1968-2003 to not allow some ill-hearted to label me as Saddamist!!
Indeed women in Iraq were different from those in the other Arab countries since the very beginning of the last century; for example "Layal" was a women journal owned and edited by an Iraqi woman in 1920.
I finished the university in the eighties; being an MA student, we were 7 female students and 3 male students.. Even being an Islamic country, in 1979, the Personal Law was amended to be totally pro women; men were not allowed to have two wives; women had right of divorce with keeping the kids and so on. Yet some body till now wants to justify the invasion and occupation because a man called Saddam Hussein was ruling Iraq. I think not the whole Americans like Bush yet the world has no right to invade USA helping the Americans to get rid of a president who is violating the human rights in the name of fighting terrorism through the Patriot Act and works such bugging all their mails and phone calls.
According to Bush admission; US invaded Iraq using fake and false documents and there were no WMD and link with Al-Qaeda; so the only pretext could he uses is the human rights being confiscated by Saddam!! Now even Ayad Allawi and others who came on the board of the American tanks are saying that Iraqis life under Saddam was better..
Back to Dee, the Persian!!
Before the Aryans, you and the others know very well that the first who ruled the whole world including Persia were the Iraqi Assyrians who were originally immigrated from Arab peninsula; the Iraqi archeologist named them (Al-Jazryyin- according to Arab Jazzira (island) so they were Samists . Yet Persians were and still behaving in this arrogance way. Yes Arabs brought the Islam to Persia but the Islam we know not the Khomaini style Islam. Persians who are 28% from the whole Iranians; yet Iran called Persia and the Persian language and culture are dominating. Persians will never forget that Zara told one of the Persians emperors, "stop being arrogance look to the west, from the Arab land a man will emerge who will convert your throne to thorn". Persians will never be real Moslems; they could not grasp the idea that Persians the builders of a great civilization have no a Persian prophet; so they are doing their best to have that prophet. Imam Hussein will be; in Iran they pray in Hussayniya (Shiite meeting places), they have their own Quran in which they put false Suras like" if the whole people like Ali I were not creating the hell"!! Dee could not deny that the Iranian style Shiite sect was brought to Islam world by Persians just to destroy the Arab world that demolished their kingdom once. Dee would understand how Khomaini was made after reading the British novel "The Mahdy"..
According to our Prophet Mohammed (MPUH) being extreme Moslem is not allowed; yet Zionism (the extreme Jew) and Zionist Christians (the fundamental Christians) push some Moslems to be fundamentals. We are against fundamental Islam in the same time we are against the fundamental Christians and Jews.
It is the American ongoing occupation and unjust that is destroying Iraq through providing chances to the others to posse their noses in our lives; to take their historical revenge.
However thanks to those who are understanding the situation In Iraq trying to help us; and thanks to your comments; in Arabic we say, "having different points of views will not ruin the humanitarian relations"; of course occupation is not a different point of view.. Am I clear now? I hope.
PS: Nadia,
Many thanks for your kind participation.. Stay a real Iraqi wherever you are.
For the sake of the world boycott the American products.
For the sake of Iraq boycott the American and Iranian products.
its good to see iraqis pointing out the obvious!!!
You are fantastic!
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Dee and the Woman I Was,
Your back and forth shows exactly what's wrong with the region. It's comforting to find a scapegoat for all your problems but it solves nothing in the end. Both Iranians and Arabs themselves are 'responsible' for most of their own problems. Shia Islam isn't some heretical cult, and Islam is much more than Arab 'imperialism'. IMHO understanding the liberal values of toleration, mutual respect, and religious freedom is what's desperately needed throughout the Muslim world.
Those Photos in After , Must be in Basra . that s what women in Basra Look like now . in fact you hardly see them on the streets (compared to before when they dared wear western clothes ) even Christian women have to cover up if they want to stay in Iraq . Saddam was bad but he did not force women to cover up it was up to them. he cared for the christians too.
DID i mention that now clerics are sending their men to homes to advise girls and women to dress properly and stay away from fashion and bright colors etc...
I also read the story of this girl who got shot by Some crazy guy because she was sittng with a male friend (student) having a picnic . that s liberation from Life .
To "the woman I was" Please do share some photos during the time of Hussein. Not to support him but because I want to experience the people and women of the time and since I am not able to your pics would help immensely. I appreciate all the comments and discussion. I am learning much. Thank you.
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Alkarama learned that Mahmoud Kareem sportsbook Farhan who had been abducted on 22 February 2009 at the office of Mr Al-Dainy, an Iraqi MP who is currently being pursued, was released on 22 June 2009, four months after his detention in Baghdad's Green Zone.
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“TruthSearch” is a short film by Hena Ashraf.
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In only ten minutes, it shows two divergent time-places that share the same place on the map, but are completely different representations or constructs. In between Iraq 2003 and Iraq 2008 is a grueling American occupation, and by the latter we hear an Iraqi narrative from a journalist who shatters the rich, refined and utterly baseless claims of the war’s powerful proponents — sadly, it came 5 years too late.
The early, heady days of the Iraq war, starting in 2003, were a time of American arrogance, jingoism and barely restrained violence. She demonstrates that time not through her own words, but through key statements by American official, then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and the denizens of the establishment media. They present their systematic violence as necessary, justified and careful, while the images we see of bombings and shootings do not fit so closely.
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However, the greater juxtaposition is in 2008, with the narration of an Iraqi journalist working in Baghdad. Ali Marzook describes the mood and life of his people. He talks depressingly of a Baghdad being eaten by concrete walls, and the silence of overly politicized existence. Five years after the war began, the war fantasies of 2003 were a dim shadow on the lived realities Marzook describes.
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He opined, “It is time to dismantle the illusion of democracy the American occupation brought to Iraq, which is now surrounded by death and fear.” Marzook further articulated his views in a piece for Electronic Iraq.
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“TruthSearch” is thought-provoking and powerful, showing the disjointed mismatch between reality and media image, between American official, high-flying rhetoric and the bloodiness of war, and between the lives of Iraqis under occupation and the promises made to them.
My only critique is that some of the footage used in the 2003 portion is re-used in 2008 part, during the time Marzook reads. While this may be to make a point, and the film is disclaimed as “experimental,” it was confusing. And I say that despite the fact that the footage in question of a little girl crying as American soldiers storm her home is I think the most moving. It drives home the brutality of the American conquer of Iraq and weighs on the heart. However, to really center on the most interesting change this film reveals, the change in Iraq as a time-place and the problems of American, system-fueled occupation, we really need to know we’re seeking 2003 Iraq versus 2008 Iraq, even if each is told through different eyes.
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The country has really changed. I liked the old Iraq more.
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