Friday, February 24, 2006

Mission Accomplished in Iraq!

Bush could state now that his mission in Iraq had accomplished... He tried his best toward dividing Iraq and the Iraqis supported by those who were back on the board of his tanks… For the first time I am afraid of a civil war.
The unashamed silence World should admit that what had happened in Iraq last Wednesday would not be happened if the occupation forces were not in Iraq. A holy shrine was exploded and tens of mosques were attacked and burnt..
The golden tomb of the Imam Ali Al-Hadi was a landmark toward the heart, the belief and Samara.
Samara the town that was built near the old city called once (the city that pleases who sees it) became a city that makes every body sad and cries. Samara had been sieged by the American and Iraqi forces for months; no body could enter the city without permission; how those who planted the explosives in the holy shrine managed to stay in it from 5.45pm Tuesday till 7am of the black Wednesday? Many questions those who began killing and burning the mosques should ask themselves; yet the angry people rushed into the streets.
Who will get benefits of a civil war in Iraq?
Kurds are the first; because Barzani said before months that he will announce his independent state as soon as a civil war will begin… the Americans, again to protect the Iraqis!! And the political “leaders” who are becoming wealthiest day after another from the chose in Iraq…
Bush, as usual without feeling any shame, said on the day when tens of mosques were burning and tens were being killed that Iraqis are enjoying the freedom of media and speech!! Who will help us and will tell him SHUT UP MR. LIER..
The Iraqis and the nobles of the world should curse Bush, Blair and every body who are observing the Iraqi bloods without trying to stop it.
I am shouting WAKE UP WORLD again; WAKE UP IRAQIS.
The tears are insisting to make me stop writing… PRAY FOR US.
Why those who are burning the mosques did not curse the American and the (Iraqi) forces when these bloodies bombed Imam Ali holy shrine? Why no body is cursing those who attacked the shrine of Malik Bin Anas in Basra who was one of the earliest followers of our prophet Mohammed (MPUH)… why no body is trying to find the link between
the cartoons attacking the prophet and exploding the holy shrine?

Friday, February 17, 2006

"مسيح" القرن 21 اشمئز منك يا امريكا الديمقراطية حد التعذيب!

و ماذا بعد؟
صور جديدة لسجناء عراقيين يعذبهم جنود امريكان و "آهة" ألم تخترق شاشة التلفاز و تجرح القلب لسجين عراقي يضربونه بحديد الباب بعد ان تم توثيقه بحزام جلدي.. و يخرج الناطق باسم الخارجية الامريكية و يؤكد بأن "الصور حقيقية و تثير الاشمئزاز"! هل علينا ان نشكره لانه شعر "بالاشمئزاز"؟
تخيلوا ان امريكيا يتم تعذيبه هكذا، و تخيلوا كيف سيكون رد البيت الذي اسموه ابيضا جزافا.. لو كنا نحن معذبيه و اكدنا اشمئزازنا قطعا ستطالب الادارة الامريكية باحالة ملفنا الى مجلس الامن لاننا عذبنا و من ثم استهزئنا بهم بالاشمئزاز!
كم هُنّا على أنفسنا و هان هوان الاخرين..
آه من سجين عراقي ربما لا يزال في المعتقل و ربما استشهد في السجن، آه بكبر قلب عراقي الغى ادعاء التحضر الامريكي و ادعاء الدفاع عن حقوق الانسان..
أه سيبقى عارا على جبين بوش و امريكا و اوروبا و كل من سيصمت او يدين فقط او يشمئز!
آه لا نريد ان نلحقه بآخر، و علينا ان لا ننكسر من نشر الصور و الذي لا يبتغون من نشرها سوى الامعان في ان نشعر بالذل، و ما ذليل الا من اراد ذلة العراقيين.
آهك يا أخي العراقي يملأ قلبي قبل قلبك، لا تخجل من جسمك الذي احرقوه و الكيس الذي البسوه برأسك و جسدك المكشوف فقد عذب المسيح (ع) قبلك و مشى على درب الالآم.. اننا نسير معك على درب الامنا و ندوس بأقدام حافية على شوك الديمقراطية الامريكية.. و يوم قيامتنا قريب باذن الله تعالى و لندعو جميعا دعاء الرسول محمد (صلّى الله عليه و على آله و اصحابه و سلم) : "اللهم اني اشكو لك ضعفي و قلة حيلتي و هواني على الناس.الى من تكلني؟ الى عدو ملكته امري ام الى قريب يتجهمني انت رب العالمين و ربي، ان لم يكن بك غضب عليّ فلا ابالي و لكن عافيتك و رحمتك اوسع لي اعوذ بنور وجهك الذي اضاءت له السموات و الارض من ان يحل بي غضبك، انت رب المستضعفين و ربي، لك العتبى حتى ترضى و لا حول و لا قوة الا بك ربي".
ستنشر الصور و تملأ الآهة العراقية الارض هنا و هناك و لكننا سننزع الشوك و نعبد طريقا نحو عراق عرفناه و شهدت الارض كلها له بأنه مهد الحضارات و الانسانية و الانبياء.
نمسك آهتنا كما نمسك الجمرة، لنحترق و نحترق لنسترجع ابتسامة صغارنا و احلام شبابنا و سيعرف العالم الصامت و المشمئز بأننا اول من اشمئز منهم و اننا كنا و سنستمر.

و العراق على مرمى قلب..

عيد حب سعيد!!
لا احد غير العراقيين يعرفون قدر هذا اليوم و ان كان "الاخرون" يختارون لهم الهدايا التي يقدمونها الى لا احد و ربما الى الجميع..
منذ اول رصاصة حرب بدأ "الاخرون" يختارون قلوب العراقيين هدايا. يمنح العراقي قلبا حقيقيا بينما يهدي غيرهم يهدون قلبا صناعيا و لعبة غبية كتبت عليها جملة "احبك"..
قلب حقيقي من عضلة و دم و شظية..
احسبوا كم قلبا منحه العراقيون الى العدم في 14 شباط منذ ان بدأت الحروب قبل دهور! ثم احسبوا كم قلبا منحه العراقيون في كل ساعة من ايام تلك الدهور؟ و العراقيون كرماء منحوا و يمنحون مع القلوب احلامهم..
شكرا مغموسا بالدمع لبرهان وهو يذكرنا بالعامرية.. هل نسينا العامرية فعلا؟ حين منح عراقيون مدنيون قلوبهم في ذلك الفجر ليحتفل قتلتهم بعيد الحب في اليوم التالي؟
العامرية و صديقتي الدكتورة الهام خليل التي سمعت ضحكتها في رماد متكوم في زاوية من الملجأ و نحن نقيم عزاء كالاحتفال في الذكرى الاولى للجريمة؟ لم انس الى الان تلك الظفيرة الطرية بشريط احمر و التي رفضت ان تحترق واختبأت في شق احدثه الصاروخ و شكل اللحم المحترق صورة ام تحتضن طفلها..
لم انس العامرية و لكن في العراق الان "عامريات" يومية حيث تُصادر القلوب دون سؤال.
ايها العدم الذي يهديه العراقيون قلوبهم و احلامهم متى تكتفي من قلوبنا و تحبنا ؟
ليكن ذلك اليوم قريبا لنؤسس يومنا الخاص بالحب.
احبتي داخل العراق و خارجه:
يحتاج العراق الى قلوب حية تنبض بالحياة ليشعر بحبكم.. و العراق حين يحب سيعود الينا.
لنخترع اسلوب حب خاص بنا، حب يحسن البقاء و الاستمرار و الاصرار و العراق الذي عرفناه يوما ليس بعيدا انه على مرمى قلب منا، ارموا له بالورد و ليس بلعبة غبية مستوردة من الخارج.
و عيد حب حزين طالما يعرف "الاخرون" كيف يصادرون قلوبنا، طالما "انهم" علموا قطرة المطر ان تجرح اليد التي تحاول اتقبالها بينما كانت فيما مضى و قبل ان يأتينا "الاخرون" تتحول في لحظة الى وردة و تروي اليد قبل القلب.
و عيد حب اهديكم فيه دمعة بحجم القلب و خوفا بحجم القلب ايضا و امنية ابحث عنها في ركام الاماني التي جمعتها سنة بعد اخرى منتظرة انتهاء الحروب ربما سأجدها يوما!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

“Timer” and the Special Guest of Bush..

The reports and TV footages put the special guest honored o attend the Bush’s State of the Union Speech.. The guest was a German shepherd! The dog, sorry, the SPECILA GUEST was escorted with his sergeant; both were back from their service in Iraq!!
The GUEST made me remember Timer; the explosive- sniffer that was in service close to the Palatine Hotel. I do not know how many times, Timer blocked us inside the hotel because he suspected there were explosives in a car or a camera; we were blocked waiting the American explosive teams to come to deal with Mr. Timer findings!!.. Three cars were exploded then finding nothing in it.. Many times journalists were stopped blind folded with cuffed hands because Timer shacked his “smart” head; again the teams found nothing but after hours of waiting and humiliating..
Timer ruled us 6 months.. His escort used to come with him from his staying place: the ex presidential palace with an ice box filled with pure water and healthy food.. Always there was a hungry Iraqi dog near by but never went and demanded food from him..
When Iraq was sanctioned; there were hundreds of such spoiled dogs with the different UN teams.. In a study published when Oil for Food program became valid, the research wrote that the allocation for every UN dog was $1000 per month while the allocation for every Iraqi was $5 per month; of course the was from the revenue of the program..
I am not against the rights of the animals!! Yet I thing a special guest should be a family of an American killed soldier in Iraq who was killed defending Bush lies..
Wake up WORLD.

Allah or God!!

Sorry for not writing in the last month.. I am busy in finishing the drat of a book I was thinking in since September 11. Initially I named the book "Allah or God".
The idea is why Allah is terrorist while God is not.. When Ben Laden , here I should admit that I do not agree with Ben Laden and his style in defending Islam, said Allah ordered him to hit WTI became a terrorist but when Bush said that God inspired him to invade Iraq became a man for peace.. I was 6 years old when my late father taught me that God is the English word for Allah.. I continued using the word God until Bush invaded Iraq.. Day after another Bush and his conservative Christians are proving that they are in war with Islam.. Conservative Christians are in the same boat with Radical Moslems and with the Extremist Jews and the Zionism; yet in his speech of the state of the union Bush said that he will continue his efforts in preventing the radical Moslems from ruling the Arab and Moslem countries but he said nothing about the other extremists!
If a cartoon or a drawing will show Moses in the way our prophet Mohammed (May Peace be Upon Him) was shown; Bush and Europe will ask the Security Council to discuss the question of being anti Semitist!
Arabs and Jews, both the grandchildren of the Iraqi Ebrahim (Abraham); are relatives.. But when the Jew attacked it will be an international issue of anti Semitist, yet every body, except Arabs, is free to attack Arabs and the prophet Mohammed (MPUH)…
In Iraq there are hands behind the curtains made benefits from those bloody cartoons and attacked the churches.. it is a suitable time to incite a war between Moslems and Christians after they seemed tired from planning a civil war between Iraqi Moslems (Sunnis and Shiites).. Iraqis are well aware of these things; when the angry Moslems protested in the streets; many Moslem clerics were visiting a church condemning the attacks; in his turn the Cheldo Cardinal was on the TV condemning the cartoons asking the Iraqi Christians to stay in their homeland Iraq..
Back to the Semitist issue.. The idiom SEMITISM was used first late in the 19th century defining the languages came from the mother Acadian Language.. The languages are: Arabic, Hebrew, Seriac and the Ethiopian; because the Iraqi Acadians were Semitics; the idiom Semitist became in use.. Years after with the beginning of the Zionist movement this linguistic idiom became very political..
And again Allah or God!!