Saturday, December 31, 2005

A Very Peaceful New Year Eve

I was thinking in having a peaceful last day of this full of pain year; yet I came through an economic study that disturbed my brain, if I have any!!..
The study sys that the Arab Petrol States, especially the Gulf tiny states, got $500 billion profits this year!! Could you realize the number?
This unimaginable amount of money is enough to eliminate the poverty in the whole Arab World BUT…
United Arab Emirates and the other Gulf States are busy in building luxury housing compounds for the (foreigners) like it is happening in Dubai!! I am saying (foreigners) because the population in these countries are equal to the population of a small town in Egypt.. Luxury compounds, fancy malls, colorful festivals that attended by the (foreigners) too… while 25 poor Sudanese were killed in Cairo yesterday!! Those poor Sudanese were with the hundred others waiting an asylum to no where…The Sudanese people are another game between the American hands that are using them very calmly and just to the point..
Here in Iraq, always I use to say that every yesterday is better than tomorrow. At least yesterday we know what had happened; every tomorrow here brings another agony that we do not know..
The (big) winners are still in meeting in the northern Iraq.. They are putting the last scheme of dividing Iraq… they are sharing the coming so called government as if democracy is a tool of the winners only! While their relatives are enjoying Hajj… every member of the "NEW IRAQ" official has the right of going to Hajj and taking with him/her 20 from the relatives and friends on the government account..
In Baghdad, the electricity power is 10 hours off and 1 hour on (this new system of cutting the power began after the elections); the drinking water is only 2 hours on!! And the liquid gas in the Haifa Street compounds is being cut for 6 hours a day…
What a happiness.. Yet if I would watch the (glass from its full half) I would discover that the government is taking care of us.. The water is being cut to stop us taking bath because it is winter and we might catch cold!! The power is being cut to force us sleep early and have long rest.. the gas is being cut to force us to leave the houses to the restaurants and have fun… the high ranking officials are either in Hajj or out side Iraq having the New Year with their families, again, to give us some rest from the attacks if they insist on staying in Iraq…
Every thing is very becoming very expensive in Iraq except the Iraqis them selves!! The International bank began its dirty work in Iraq; giving loans putting the Iraqis between their rock and the government hard place…
It is very peaceful New Year Eve…

A Very Peaceful New Year Eve

I was thinking in having a peaceful last day of this full of pain year; yet I came through an economic study that disturbed my brain, if I have any!!..
The study sys that the Arab Petrol States, especially the Gulf tiny states, got $500 billion profits this year!! Could you realize the number?
This unimaginable amount of money is enough to eliminate the poverty in the whole Arab World BUT…
United Arab Emirates and the other Gulf States are busy in building luxury housing compounds for the (foreigners) like it is happening in Dubai!! I am saying (foreigners) because the population in these countries are equal to the population of a small town in Egypt.. Luxury compounds, fancy malls, colorful festivals that attended by the (foreigners) too… while 25 poor Sudanese were killed in Cairo yesterday!! Those poor Sudanese were with the hundred others waiting an asylum to no where…The Sudanese people are another game between the American hands that are using them very calmly and just to the point..
Here in Iraq, always I use to say that every yesterday is better than tomorrow. At least yesterday we know what had happened; every tomorrow here brings another agony that we do not know..
The (big) winners are still in meeting in the northern Iraq.. They are putting the last scheme of dividing Iraq… they are sharing the coming so called government as if democracy is a tool of the winners only! While their relatives are enjoying Hajj… every member of the "NEW IRAQ" official has the right of going to Hajj and taking with him/her 20 from the relatives and friends on the government account..
In Baghdad, the electricity power is 10 hours off and 1 hour on (this new system of cutting the power began after the elections); the drinking water is only 2 hours on!! And the liquid gas in the Haifa Street compounds is being cut for 6 hours a day…
What a happiness.. Yet if I would watch the (glass from its full half) I would discover that the government is taking care of us.. The water is being cut to stop us taking bath because it is winter and we might catch cold!! The power is being cut to force us sleep early and have long rest.. the gas is being cut to force us to leave the houses to the restaurants and have fun… the high ranking officials are either in Hajj or out side Iraq having the New Year with their families, again, to give us some rest from the attacks if they insist on staying in Iraq…
Every thing is very becoming very expensive in Iraq except the Iraqis them selves!! The International bank began its dirty work in Iraq; giving loans putting the Iraqis between their rock and the government hard place…
It is very peaceful New Year Eve…

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The DEMOCRACY beheads the students!

The following reports explains the "democracy" in the "new Iraq".. read it and think then WHO could say NO again?

Thousands of students and professors from the University of Mosul in northern Iraq took in the funeral of a student leader found dead along with another student after they were kidnapped by unknown assailants.
The body of Qusay Salaheddin, president of the student union, and Ahmed, his deputy, were identified although they were beheaded Sunday morning. Salaheddin was elected this year by a 3,000 student. .
Prior to his kidnapping the both led two demonstrations protesting the results of the elections and the increasing of the fuel prices..
During his funeral, student chanted slogans accusing Kurdish and Shiite elements of the police force of involvement in his kidnap and murder.
The both shouted against Jafari, the Shiite transitional prime minister and Talbani, the Kurdish president.
The angry students swore that they will not forget and will take the revenge of killing their fellow students.
WHO are the terrorists in Iraq? Long live "DEMON"RACY


Donald Rumsfeld was here in Iraq... He stayed for a while in the Green Zone giving his "precious" recommendation to the "Iraqi" puppets who are "ruling" Iraq; to be frankly who are destroying Iraq to make their master Bush happy and satisfied.
Many international dailies published on the front page his photo serving the American occupation soldiers in an American base some where in Iraq. He looked funny wearing the cooking hat.. Yet he made me angry; why did he serve clean and healthy food for the Americans while he is feeding us wars, new kind of bombs and terror?
Rumsfeld asked the two Kurdish "leaders" Barzani and Talbani to do their best in putting an end to the elections war that began when the Kurds themselves violated the rules and committed openly many acts against democracy. HOW and WHY?
Just before a while I heard that the Shiites who won the "elections" through violations too are insisting to create their "Shiite Region" in the south of Iraq; their pretext is Saddam used their oil recourses for building palaces and his birth place Ouja and Tikrit… like the Kurds who are going to use the northern oil fields for their region because Saddam used this recourses for gassing them!! They are insisting to divide Iraq taking Saddam a pretext… They refuse to believe that Saddam harmed the whole Iraq without differentiating among the Iraqis and the cities… Yet Bush, Iran and Israel are supporting Shiites and Kurds who in turn are achieving their agendas in dividing and destroying Iraq.
Happy New Year..
The New Year will be felt in every where except Iraq; the coming year will bear the same faults and crimes committed by the Americans and their puppets against the Iraqis.
On the New Year Tree; the Iraqis hanged the remains of the car bombs, killed bodies, the names of those who killed by the "friendly fires", the fear of the children, the tears of the mothers, the needs of the poor, the threatens of a civil war and there is no enough room for even a small dream..
Come and pick the gift you want… take a car bomb.. it is a horrible idea; but what about us… we pry before leaving the house because we do not know if we will be back or not because of the car bombs and IEDs and the Americans.
Another year under the occupation.. it seems to be a hard year if the Kurdish militia will replace the 7500 Americans who will withdrew according to Rumsfeld!! Could imagine how those Kurds will act in Baghdad and elsewhere?
I was dreaming that Sunnis and Shiites will put hand in hand and help the Iraqis in restoring Iraq; by the way almost the all "big" lists violated the elections including the two Sunnis "big" that led by Adnan Dulaimi and Salih Mutlak. These "big" politicians are after their interests and do not thinking in Iraq.
Back to my dream; I do not know how I forgot that dreams are impossible in Iraq; I use to say that dying is easier than dreaming in Iraq; an alliance between the Sunnis and Shiites will stop the fear of a civil war; will stop the greedy Kurds; will stop the Iranian interference; will stop the terrorists and will give possible life to the Iraqis…defiantly Bush will refuse because such alliance will finish his project in Iraq.
Today the Iraqis were saying that the prices of the fuel will be increased again by the New Year… they do not know that World Bank began giving debts to Iraq and the prices of every necessary item should be increased to make the Iraqis poorer and more needy to make the Americans richer and stay longer here. World Bank is an UN organization controlled by the Americans who use it as their iron hand here and there.
Every thing is becoming very expensive here except the Iraqis who are being killed every day.
New Year..
Happy New Year; may your wishes come true inshalalh. Please make a wish for us…
I could not make any wish… Year after another I made wishes; every year I put the new wishes on or under the old wishes… no wish came true; not because I could not work or think but because always America was and still hindering our wishes confiscating our dreams and recourses.
Bills will ring; Santa comes.. Thanks to Allah that Rumsfeld did not wear Santa's hat in Iraq!!

Friday, December 16, 2005

مشاهدات من مدينة كركوك المستلبة

يوما بعد آخر تثبت الاحداث بأن الديمقراطية العراقية الجديدة وليدة رحم عليل ، تارة تحتضر واخرى تحاول استعادة قواها بجرعات من المقويات والمضادات لكنها سرعان ما تنتكس بعد أول تجربة ليدخلوها إلى غرفة الإنعاش لحقنة عبر الوريد دون أن يُجرى لها أية عملية جراحية رُغم مطالبة الأطباء ،وحجة الرافضين أن الوقت لايسمح وان الجدول الذي وضعه سيد البيت الأبيض ومستشاروه يصعب عليهم الأمر .
مسكين هذا الشعب أُخص بهم المثقفين والوطنيون والغيورون على بلدهم .فهم يمارسون الديمقراطية بشفافية وعلى الطريقة الغربية ، يتصورون إن ذهابهم أفواجاً وأفواج قاصدين تلك الصناديق ( المحروسة جدا ) اللهم إلا من المزورين يكفي ليضعوا النقاط على الحروف ، يتصورون إن بعض رجال الشرطة والأمن محايدون وأبرياء وان المفوضية العليا للانتخابات ( المستقلة جداً ) قادرة وتريد أن تكشف أي تزييف لأصواتهم وان وان وان ... ، إنهم يعيشون في جمهورية أفلاطون الفاضلة .
لست من هواة تعكير ألاجواء والأمزجة فأنا مثلهم ثمل من رأسي حتى أخمص قدمي بكلمات تشربت عليها كالحق و الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان و و .... لكني استميحكم عذراً لأني ( سأزف ) إليكم بعض مشاهدات الديمقراطية الجديدة من مدينة ( القهر والاستلاب ) ، نعم مدينة القهر والاستلاب فهي مدينة عراقية كبيرة وهامة جداً جداً يسيل لها لعاب البعض من الداخل والخارج ؛ هذه المدينة (كركوك ) تجري فيها كل الأمور بهدوء وروية دون إثارة الأنظار فالسرقة تتم ليلاً والناس نيام ، إلا أهلها المغلوب على أمرهم إلى حين فالنوم لا يعرف إلى جفونهم طريقاً .
وأنا أسير في شوارعها القديمة وأزقتها الخِربة انقل إليكم مشاهد يومين، يومين فقط:
المشهد الأول : الأربعاء صباحاً 14 كانون الأول 05 سيارات الشرطة و الطوارئ تجوب الطرقات طولاً وعرضاً لا لتحمي الناس وتطبق القانون بل لتعرض أعلام كردستان أمام المارة ومكبر صوتها تحولت إلى أبواق للاستفزاز بأناشيد وخطب كردية .
المشهد الثاني : الأربعاء مساء 14 كانون الأول 05 بعض سيارات الطوارئ والشرطة تتعاون لكن في تمزيق الدعايات الانتخابية للأحزاب والكيانات غير الكردية من الجدران .
المشهد الثالث: الخميس صباح يوم الانتخاب، صباح جميل والناس يتوجهون بسرور وإصرار إلى صناديق الانتخاب، سيارات الشرطة والطوارئ تجوب الشوارع وخاصة شارع منطقة تسعين ومصلى ذات الغالبية التركمانية حاملة الأعلام الكردية وكأنها تريد تصفية حساب قديم ، وقد كان فارس هذا العمل الرئيسي شرطة الطوارئ .والحقيقة ؛ المشكلة ليس في الأعلام فكل الأحزاب لها أعلامها وإنما في من يحمله الذي يفترض به الحياد والنزاهة ، هل هذا ما وعدونا به بعد تغيير النظام السابق ؟؟؟
المشهد الرابع : صباح يوم الانتخاب ، حراس دائرة القائمقامية يقطعون الشارع الرئيسي قرب مبنى المحافظة لا للتفتيش عن المسيئين ولا لتحمي المبنى عن المهاجمين بل ليرقصوا حاملين علم أحزاب الكرد ؛ وليضربوا طفلاً لا يتجاوز عمره العقد إلا بقليل لا لجريرة اقترفه سوى انه يقود دراجة هوائية عليها علم التركمان .
المشهد الخامس : صباح يوم الانتخاب من داخل إحدى مراكز الانتخاب ؛ رجل ينتخب ويتجادل مع مراقب إحدى الكيانات الذي يتهمه بتكراره للتصويت لأكثر من مرة .
المشهد السادس: فتاة لم تبلغ السن القانونية للانتخاب تنتخب بكل حرية .. يتعالى اعتراضات الكيانات السياسية العربية والتركمانية ليجيبهم المسؤول : عدكم ورقة وقلم وإذا ما عدكم انطيكم .
المشهد السابع : رجال شرطة يدخلون قاعة التصويت ليصوتوا(علما بانهم صوتوا قبل الانتخابات بيومين ليتفرغوا للحماية) ....
المشهد الثامن : ناخبون يقدمون أوراق مستنسخة ودفاتر خدمة عسكرية صادرة من السليمانية بتاريخ 1982 وعندها قال له موظف التدقيق ان اسمهم غير مسجل ضمن القوائم أصروا وتدخلت الكيانات السياسية العربية والتركمانية لمنعهم لكنهم نجحوا في النهاية من التصويت لان مسؤول المركز الكردي سمح لهم وعند خروجهم قالوا لبعض الجالسين ( نصوت رغم انفكم )
المشهد التاسع : احد المراقبين يتجادل بشدة مع مسؤول المركز الكردي لأنه سمح لناخب بالتصويت ( تسع عشرة مرة ؟؟؟؟ ) نعم تسع عشرة مرة ؟ لم يحدث هذا في دارفور بعيدة عن أعين المراقبين وإنما في العراق رغم كل العيون والأضواء المسلطة عليه ، وتحديداً في ناحية صغيرة لايتجاوز عدد سكانها ببيوتها المهدمة ( الخمسةالآف نسمة ) اسمها ( قرة عنجير ) والأغرب أن عدد الناخبين وصل فيها إلى (خمسة وعشرون الفاً ) .وقد كان بطل التزوير فيها بلا منازع السيد (صباح ) مسؤل المفوضية هناك اما اهم مراكز التزوير فهي منتشرة وجلية لاخجل فيها وهي ( مدارس قرة عنجير ، سركاني ، ومركز باني مقان اهم مواقع التزوير بالجملة والمفرد ) فضلاً عن سيارات الكوستر وبأعداد كبيرة تجوب هذه المناطق لتنقل مصوتوا السليمانية الى هذه المراكز في كركوك ، لينتهي عرس الانتخابات والديمقراطية الجديدة في الساعة العاشرة صباحاً بهدوء وسلام ، ولتخرج علينا المفوضية ( المحترمة ) وتقول إن كل شيء على ما يرام .
المشهد العاشر : قرى متناثرة بين التلال تنتخب وهذه حقاً ظاهرة حضارية منها قرى ( بنه ، كوركي ، جيمن ، قرة ويس ، باش بولاغ ، ...) عدد منازل كل قرية من خمسة إلى عشرون لتخرج ألينا النتائج بالأعاجيب لايقل تعداد كل منها عن أربعة الآف نسمة، حتى كادت ناحيتي شوان وقرة عنجير تصلان الى حدود ( خمسين ألف نسمة ) .
هذه مشاهدات قليلة من عدسة مراقب واحد
فأين الديمقراطية من كل هذه .. لماذا لا يُحقق في كل هذه الخروقات ؛ فلاندري لماذا لا يتغير شخوص المفوضية فهي الثابت الوحيد في العراق . كيف يخرج علينا السيدان المبجلان (فريد آيار و عادل اللامي ) الكارهان جداً جداً لعدسات الفضائيات بتصريحات صاروخية رنانة عن النجاح العظيم للانتخابات و عدم وجود أية خروقات وعن النزاهة وسيطرة المفوضية على الأمور ؛ اللهم إلا إذا لم تكن المفوضية تعلم ، أما إذا كانت تعلم فتلك المصيبةُ الأعظم .
والباقي متغيرات، انه سؤال قد يعتبره العارفون ببواطن الأمور ساذجاً . لكن الحقيقة الأكيدة أن تغيير صورة كركوك التركمانية سيستمر إلى وقت قادم إلى أن يحققوا غايتهم في تغييب التركمان طالما تواجد على أرضهم ملوك التزوير . فمن غير المعقول ولا المقبول أن يتسائل احد بعد الان عن سؤال ساذج ( لماذا يخسر التركماني الاصوات في مدينته التأريخية كركوك ؟؟؟)

"779" the PKK List Participating in the Iraqi Elections!

Sorry for not being with you through my blog. I was busy; I was not busy.. I wrote lot of things but in Iraq every moment there is something worthy to be documented. Yet what had happened in the "very" democratic "elections" is worthy to be on the blog.

"Hizb al-hal al-democrati al-kurdistani- the Party Kurdistan Democratic Solution" is a "Kurdish" party that occupied a luxury apartment owned by a former high ranking Iraqi official at Abu Nuwas Street in Baghdad in the first weeks of the occupation. .The party organized many press conferences but always their statements were ambiguous.
The Party moved to another building in Baghdad; raising PKK flags every often. Yet; many Iraqi and international media networks discovered the Party is representing PKK while the American authorities in Iraq used to announce their support to the Turkish governments against PKK.
Nechervan Barzani, the Prime Minister of Erbil thanked Turkey for the help in digging the oil wells in Zakho- northern Iraq, 16 km far from the Turkish borders. According to Barzani, "Turkey allowed to locate part of the digging platform in Turkish territory". In the same time, PKK using its "Iraqi" name "Al-Hal" is participating in the lections under the numbers 779.
The candidates should be Iraqis holding Iraqi IDs and the Ration Cards, the data base of the ration cards is the base recognized by the Electoral Commission that put the conditions for the nominees who should represent Iraqi political parties and movements. The question is: from where PKK members in Iraq did get Iraqi documents?
Many Iraqi parties are saying since April 03 that many non Iraqis are interfering in the Iraqi internal affaires working with political parties that are ruling Iraq since then. Now, the Electoral Commission that should prove its integrity by comparing the numbers of the new "issued" ration cards with the numbers of the former Iraqi ministry of trade; there are the numbers of the ration cards of those who were expelled.
According to this the electoral commission had to believe those who are speaking about the participation of non Iraqis in the last elections and constitution referendum. That participation which made certain parts won on the account of other parts. Such violations would change the results of the coming elections and would change the history of Iraq.
To keep Iraq united needs huge efforts and the big player is the Electoral Commission that supposed to be independent; yet the commission announced that the voting in the last elections and referendum was "clean" without major "violations"!!
If the participation of non Iraqis is not a major violation; who could help the Iraqis and define the term "Violation"?
The main players in Iraq are continuing their roles toward dividing the country otherwise the scheme of a bloody civil war are ready waiting the results of the coming elections.